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Asslamua'alaikum.. I would like to post the TED note taking, and I think this is the hardest one, so I'm so sorry if I sum up what she said ambiguously.  Jamilia Lyiscott is the woman who is articulated, he can master 3 languages (type of styles in stalking). She is able to adapt her English language in every situation. She  uses different style in speaking with the others,  with her family environment, with her schoolmates, her lecturer, even when she tries to apply job vacancy. she told about her experience being articulated person. There are many people dislike her accents/style in speaking. She told all about her style in speaking is lingusitics beautification. 


Shaolon Hsueh is the woman who grew up in Taiwan as calligrapher’s daughter. Since she was young, she was introduced Chinese letter by her parents. And now, she wanted introduce the Chinese creature to us as well. She learnt Chinese character about 15 years. In TED stage, she told us fast method how to learn Chinese language. Since the age of 5 she learned how to draw every shape of Chinese language correctly. She taught us the simple one how to recognize Chinese language, for example, there is a shape of Chinese language, it like a tree, it is symbolized as a person. She taught a lot of symbols that can be interpreted as Chinese language which is called as eight characters radical. They are building blocks for you to create lots more characters. She also explained about 32 Chinese character letters in China.

Observing My Friend ( Teacher/Student Interaction & Personal Characteristic

If you have not read the 2 previous posts, please read it before starting reading this post, thank you... 3. Teacher/Student Interaction After the teacher explain about the material, the teacher gave the task, and each group was given a “Narrative Text”, and the teacher asked students to discuss and find out the Past Participle (Verb 2) ( it is based on “Simple Past” lesson). During the discussion, some students gave responses and asked a lot of questions actively, they felt free to ask. The teacher moved around the class and made eye contact with the students. The teacher anticipated it very well.   The students were comfortable and relaxed, even during intense intellectual activity, sometimes some students spoke, complained and scream loudly, but the teacher relaxed, and patient to overcome it. The students were treated fairly and with the respect. After 10 minutes, the students must submit the paper to the teacher and the teacher answer the question together with the stude...

Observing My Friend (Presentation Aspect)

Hello, Assalamu'alaikum, I will continue the post that I've posted before, what is the next one? check it out  2. Presentation T he material was explained briefly, the students understand what the teacher told about, even though some students not really understand. The lesson was smooth, sequenced and logical. The teacher firstly introduced “Simple Past”, what is Simple Past, when students use Simple Past and the teacher delivered Simple Past formula, then the teacher start introducing generic structure of Narrative Text which is contained by a Simple Past in it, actually the lesson was not well paced because it was not matching with the syllabus. Material was not presented at the students’ level comprehension, because the teacher used GTM (Grammar Translation Method), not Differentiated Instruction Method, so the teacher only explained the material and the students just listen about it. This method was used, because the students do not have ability to speak Engl...

Observing My Friend (Preparation Aspect)

Assalamu'alaikum everyone, today I would like to give you the example how to observe someone's teaching in the classroom. In this case I would to observe how my friend teaching English in one SMP in Aceh Besar.  you want to see the example how? okay check it out! 1.  Preparation The teacher come to the class with salam and pray before going to study. Then the teacher called the students to check the attendant list, also to know students’ names one by one. Everything was going well in this introduction. After that the teacher begun to teach, the lesson was about “Narrative Text”, it was based on the syllabus. The teacher prepared the “Narrative Text” lesson not very well, because the teacher more focus about Past Tense, she did not teach about “Narrative Text” comprehensively on that whole time. Thus, the material which was taught by the teacher was not match with the syllabus. The teacher should synchronize between the lesson that she wanted to teach and the sylla...

The Advantages doing more Dzikir in Ramadhan Month

Assalamu'alaikum, waduup waddup waddup everyone ☺. This is my first post in this Holy Ramadhan. Rn.. I want to give something that you can do in this holy month. what is that? oke let's talk about it.. here we go Who does not know about Ramadhan month, every person knows about what Ramadhan month is, even they are muslim/muslimah ummah or non-muslim. Ramadhan month is the month that muslim or musimah ummah waiting for. On this month, we as a muslim/muslimah ummah can get more rewards from Allah SWT, so how are the ways to do those?, all we have to do is worshipping to Allah more and more, we called it do more Ibadah, including Shalat Sunnah, Shadaqah (charity), reciting Al-Qur’an, but have you ever known, there is one of the easiest way to get more rewards on Ramadhan month, that is called Dzikir. Dzikir is from Arabic language “ dzakara, yadzkuru, dzikran ” it means “ remember ” surely remember to Allah SWT, to get close to Him with reciting Thayyibah Kalimah like ...

Reviewing Novel

WUTHERING HEIGHTS CHAPTER I Lockwood was a new renter in Thuscross Grange. He has a neighbor also own of the rent house, his name is Mr. Heathcliff, he is a gentleman person.  Lockwood went to Mr. Heathcliff house and look around his house.  That house has own uniqueness, He thought that, the house is little bit inferior and that building is not originally Mr. Heathcliff ‘s house.  At night Lockwood wanted to have dinner, but on the way, suddenly snow storm was coming, he stopped at Mr. Heathcliff’s house. He was freezing and decided to knock Mr. Heathcliff’s house, Joseph, one of Mr. Heathcliff servant told him, he was not allowed to enter to that house.  He became more freezing because the snow began to drive thickly. Suddenly a young man let in Lockwood to that house. In that house Lockwood felt warm, comfort and cheerful apartment. There he met Ms. Heathcliff, he has a cold personality, Lockwood tried to have a chat with her by providing small talk.  Ms...

Reviewing Method

This video got from .  click for video here This teaching learning process was conducted in South Korea but the video uploader did not inform specific where the video took place is. This teaching learning process is in Grade 5 students, they taught about “Possessive Pronoun”. 1.       Role of Teachers and Students There are 2 teachers in this video, male and female. The male teacher is a primary teacher in the classroom who speaks English, without using mother tongue in whole day time in teaching learning process. He had many contributions in the classroom, such as giving vocabulary, keep students desire to study up and make each students active in the classroom, meanwhile, the female teacher is a second teacher who helps primary teacher. She sometimes spoke Korean to make the students understand clearly what the primary teacher said. She also helped the primary teacher to teach students These 2 teachers also play drama in front...


He has the answer why x the unknown is. It is from Arabic which is the reasons as western science and math was really worked out in the first century. This includes Al-jabra in English algebra. In the Arabic language also contained mathematical wisdom, and it influences Europe (Spain). The problem happened when some sounds in Arabic do not be represented by the characters are available in European language. the letter “SHEEN” it like SH the first word of shalan, it means something (something cannot be defines, unknown thing). Just put AL in Arabic and AL –SHALAN means (the unknown thing). The problem also happened in Spanish scholars who were not be able translating this material due to Spanish does not have SH sound. Thus they created another sound the CK sound. Why the X is unknown? because you cannot say “SH” in Spanish.


She told about language loss and the globalization of English. Nowadays, languages are dying in every 14 days but in the same time English is an undisputed global language. All the books, journals are done with English. English is taught to modernize the country and to empower the citizens through education. But she does not think so that English is everything. We cannot pursue others any longer till they get English. She reminded us that for taking lot of intelligentsia did not have to have English (like English test, TOEFL test). There are some many people outside there, producing something which is useful, with the great idea. Mind your language and lets spread the great idea. Don’t insist on English. 


The baby is genius until the age of seven. The baby all over the world using a techniques to learn language and also sound of language, they can discriminate all sound of all languages. When baby listen all they do is taking statistic which sound that they hear. For example statistic of Japanese and English is very different, there are no L and R in Japanese language, meanwhile English has a lot of L and R. The babies can absorb all the statistic of language, unlikely we as adults, we are no longer to absorb kind of that thing. In this investigating of baby’s brain, s we know they have golden of knowledge to determine all sound and language. We are able to see how child’s brain development. 


Stress is cardiovascular disease, everyone have stress experience in their life. She said that stress is very bad for someone’s health. But she is wondering why stress can make healthier. Finally she knows that oxytocin does not only works in your brain, but also in your body and the roles is to protect cardiovascular system from chronic stress. It also can give benefit to your heart, oxytocin can help heart cells, this stress hormone can heal and make your heart have lots of strengthe than before. Oxytocin is enhanced by social contact and support, so when you try to help people, you will produce this hormone lots, and it can be very useful for your stress become healthier, and it will recover you from the stress. She also said, stress can give us lots of energy due to pounding physical heart. 


In the distant era now, everyone might be easy to give the information to someone, we have something in our pocket to share and receive a message. So texting become popular now, we can write the way we talk, the way we say, in his opinion writing is fingered speech, we can use very natural sense, between the way we talk and the way we texting, but he told that nowadays,   the way young people in USA texting their friends is so broke the language, for example when someone text someone else with the word ‘LOL” (laughing out loud) it means shat someone is laughing, but LOL in texting is not indicate “laughing out loud” anymore, because it’s evolved into something that is much subtler. LOL always be used in every single texting, he said that it’s marker empathy which is called pragmatic particles in linguistics context. In conclusion he said texting is the new way people writing which is developing by using writing skills. 


She told about her experience in teaching over the years, and how to overcome students’ problem and how to teach students well. From Winconsin and move to Arkansas and taught a course which is called American Government, from there she learnt about everything, how to teach student, he got lots experience there. From Arkansas she moved to Arizona, and taught different subject, she taught about Geography. From there she also had great experience. From Arizona he moves to Pennsylvania until now, she teaches there. From the experience that she had over years in teaching, she told that the main point is if we continue to think that education is about coming to school and to get information, then embracing the failure, it means we are missing that the original goals of education. So that is impossible, if we have education with the good quality


She told us about ESL, English Sign Language. In that video, she little bit told the story about her experience as a deaf person who cannot hear the sound but must be living in the area which is the majority is interacting with sound. She tries to watch how people behave and respond to sound. She terms it as sound “etiquette”. She told that in deaf culture movement is also a sound. She told about her experiences when she went to Berlin, Germany in 2008. She went to Art Museum, where was no visual art there, only auditory. Then she decided to reclaim ownership of sound put into her art practice. She started create body of work. When he presented her idea, there were a lot of responds and received. She realized sound is like money, attention, power. Now sound is her new art medium. She surprised knowing sound has similarities with ESL and music. She told that envision of piano is like representative of sound. This represents how time is expressed in ASL. She said that ASL a rich treasur...


There are a lot of manias in this world, there are sport mania, music mania, religion mania, mania can be useful can be dangerous. The world has new mania, mania for learning English. For example in china, China learns English by screaming the English sentences and shouts the sentences out together. 2 billion in this world learn English. In china you learn English start from 3rd grade by the law. That’s the reason why china is the largest people who speak English. Why English? Because the opportunity for life, for education and for the future. English is not a tsunami which can erase others languages. English is the world second language, you can discuss about world problem or a global conversation. English is language for problem solving. English mania is representing hope for better future.

What Do Letter Grades “Mean”

Letter Grades?  In my perspective I am disagree with Letter Grades, by grading students with this way, there is a gap between smart students and low students, it is surely not good for those who have low score, they feel sorrowful, it can break their spirit in learning. It can lead them to do cheating, because they think that by getting an “A” problem will solve, then they decide to cheat. It is surely contrary with the aim of learning itself. Because learning is not about score or the result but, process to get the knowledge. Thus, for teacher, it is better to use another way to assess students. There are a several ways to evaluate a student, for instance like narrative evaluations, where the teacher gives a comment by using letter as a media. On that paper teacher will write some achievement, some correction, for knowing student understanding with the materials that teacher has given. Theses evaluations replaced a grade to some comments as a supplement for grading student. Thi...

Summary Articles

Long History of High-Stakes Test  Gregory  J.Cizek  University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill From “Long History of High-Stakes Test” we can see that High-Stakes Test is not effective to measure student, from the history we can conclude, High-Stakes Test is totally cruel to adapt, the history shows that, when the tribe of Ephraim tried to cross the Jordan River, they wanted them to pronounce “Shibboleth”, we may know the Jordan River citizens gave a test to them, if they can not pronounce “Shibboleth” correctly, they was killed by Jordan River citizen, from the history we can see that situation is like violence, when something have to measure by giving a test to produce a perfectness result,  when you fail to do that, you can not pass the test, and it becomes a high risk. We can summarize that High-Stakes Test can not completely apply for assessing students, nowadays, an assessment is not solely using a test, test is not everything, student can not be as...

Summary Article CCC by Queesnlad Government

Five Cross Culture Capabilities (CCC) 1.        CCC Self-reflection : understanding self Self-Reflection also known as a self awareness, this is the first step in achieving culture capability. It requires when you identify  as strengths and areas particularly in relation to working across culture. The aims of this step you is would allow individuals to avoid making conclusion about difference and value judgments about behaviors and actions. Self-reflection allows staff to reflect on their own cultural background, preferences, and also illuminate share practices across culture. It also allows individuals to query their own assumptions and bridge divides barriers between cultural groups. Self-reflection has long been central to nursing practice but also been established  as a starting point of cross-cultural work more generally, across disciplines. Self-reflection also is the starting point of cultural capability. Self-reflection is integrated int...

Critical Thinking Toward the Journal

Analysis Critical Thinking towards the Journal of P2P : Assessing a Peer Evaluation Strategy, by Ching When Chang, Cathy J.Pearman and Nicholas W. Farha, Missouri State University and Logan University. ·        1.    Examine the evidence/ the argument presented In the background of study the authors’ argument stated that previously research has shown about active students engagement teaching learning process in the classroom enhances knowledge acquisition. It can be improving their outcomes very well (Todd and Hudson, 2007). Thus, the researcher wants to prove that Peer Evaluation also believed can improve students’ critical thinking and high outcomes. According to the researcher Peer Evaluation has a number of pedagogical benefits. Purpose of study is to prove that Peer Evaluation is the best strategy to improve students’ critical thinking and can train themselves how to observe and measure their peer. Based on the evidence in real life, students ...

Summary Article "Bullying at School" by Carla Janet

Bullying is a case that often occurs in school, actually bullying can occur in everywhere, but it is mostly happen in school. High school is the last opportunity for educators to teach students, meanwhile for students, this is their last activity to change their attitude and behavior by associating bullying or victimization before they become an adult. High school era is an era whereby students find out their self. Everything can be happening on this era. Bullying characteristic can be physical, relational or psychological. It can be direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, as we can see some students naming their friend with a nickname, such as “big bottom”, “glasses man” and moreover. Racial, it could be happen when one student come from minority ethnic. Sexual slurs or harassment, threatening, hitting and stealing (Harris , Petrie & Willounghby. 2002) Also could be happening in bullying. But indirect behaviors occasionally occurs such as spreading rumors by gossiping, s...

Teaching Teaching!

picture source?  clich here For this time I would like to write about being a teacher. This is one of precious job in the world. Teaching is a verb which makes you feel strong. Teaching is all about patience, people might say no insurance, but don’t be panic, the reward will be fantastic, trust me, it’s not just an identity and poetry, but you can feel it through your veins and your heart continuously. When you want to teach students, there are lots things that you get, there are story, history, experience, patience, and strength. Being teacher is very difficult, people choose, instead of being a teacher they prefer to be a doctor, an engineer, a professor, even a businessman. Teaching is not only a career, but also skill. Many people must be a teacher, at least for their children. They cannot avoid that thing, it is naturally happen. Talking about being a teacher, we talk about lots activities. Being teacher is not easy, there will full of responsibilities, solely ...

English Language Teaching in Indonesia

English has been taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. Discovering English Language Teaching issues in Indonesia is not over yet. The author just makes some of the issues which are according to the problems, challenge and the prospect. There are a number of problem occur such us, Students’ motivation which tell that students cannot understand very well about the aim of English itself and less desire to study. Then, curriculum problem, the English curriculum in Indonesia always changes. It is difficult to teachers to synchronize between the material and the environment to be taught, it also makes learners confuse as well. The third is difficulty environment, some people hard to learn English because the environment cannot support them to learn it well. In the other hand, in this globalization era, along with globalization, English has established itself as the world’s common language for academic and business (Tsou, 2015). English really influences everyone to learn, because Engli...

English Language Teaching Prospect in Indonesia

No doubt that English is a language that can bring everyone anywhere. With English capability someone is believed can go anywhere because English is world language. English is an enjoy language which becomes prestigious place as a global language (Khaled, 2014). Therefore, having English capability is a crucial role that can influence people nowadays, remembering English as an International language that the people must be understood about it. Motivation to learn English is increasing. In fact, learning English has been interesting to many students (Khaled, 2014). Learning English makes people having well English proficiency. In the other hand, students have opportunities to get a job and go abroad if they have well English capability. English is useful for maintaining life to survive in this global area because nowadays, every science and technology issues use English to deliver the information system. Based on Graham, English is not a subject that is taught in school as a subject...

a Tip for you who become bullying victim

Assalamua’alaikum… Waddup Everyone, you see my post again. Okay for this time, I want to tell you one story, this is my experience, I hope you can take a lesson from this story. This experience happened when I was junior high school in second grade. I had 2 male friends who always mocked me. They always call me “Pig” because I have big nostrils. They even called me “Virus”, they also wrote a negative word on my table. They got angry with me because I was an active student. They always intimidated in whole day. We can call it like “Bullying” now. Do you know how was my reaction? I just quite, I never gave them feedback to revenge as well as they did to me, because I have truth, only Allah can judge someone and only Allah the best court, so let Allah revenge them on His way. I do not want to make a mess with people by revenging them back. In short, finally they never mock me anymore, how come? We had Biology midterm at that time, the questions were quite difficult to answer. M...

English Language Teaching Challenge in Indonesia : Globalization Effect

source : English has become the international language which has been used in all countries. English is world language. The significant role of English is increased by the expanding circle of the English users in some countries where English is used as a foreign language such as China, Thailand, and Indonesia (Kachru, 2009, as cited in Suryanto, p.75, 2014). Meanwhile, there are some countries use English as a second language, such as Malaysia, India and Singapore. Therefore, English becomes an important thing that should be known and taught to the students. Of course this is something that becomes challenge for teachers, as Khan (2011) argues that teaching English as a second or foreign always a challenging task.  Considering the age of globalization are increasingly global, which makes the English language should be taught to children in Indonesia, the aim is to make them not to be obsolete to face the situation ahead that is full...