Observing My Friend (Presentation Aspect)

Hello, Assalamu'alaikum, I will continue the post that I've posted before, what is the next one?
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2. Presentation

The material was explained briefly, the students understand what the teacher told about, even though some students not really understand. The lesson was smooth, sequenced and logical. The teacher firstly introduced “Simple Past”, what is Simple Past, when students use Simple Past and the teacher delivered Simple Past formula, then the teacher start introducing generic structure of Narrative Text which is contained by a Simple Past in it, actually the lesson was not well paced because it was not matching with the syllabus.

Material was not presented at the students’ level comprehension, because the teacher used GTM (Grammar Translation Method), not Differentiated Instruction Method, so the teacher only explained the material and the students just listen about it. This method was used, because the students do not have ability to speak English at all. Thus, to avoid misunderstanding in teaching learning process, this method was used as a appropriate method for age and ability of students.

The teacher’s directions were clear and concise, sometimes the teacher asked the students to answer the question together, and students understand about it. The teacher also delivered a game to make students interesting with the material. The teacher divided the students into 4 groups to make it easy.
In gaming session, some students asked to the teacher, the teacher answered questions carefully and satisfactory.  The teacher also show an interest in and enthusiasm for the subject taught. But the teacher did not knew whether some students who were passive in class having trouble understanding or not. The teacher was less attention to some students who were in passive condition. The teacher ought to approached and encourage them, to get their attention by asking “do you understand?”,  “where have you been”, “are you okay” or “something unclear?”, because this is teacher’s responsibility to help children overcome their laziness to study. 


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