Summary Articles

Long History of High-Stakes Test 
Gregory  J.Cizek 
University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill
From “Long History of High-Stakes Test” we can see that High-Stakes Test is not effective to measure student, from the history we can conclude, High-Stakes Test is totally cruel to adapt, the history shows that, when the tribe of Ephraim tried to cross the Jordan River, they wanted them to pronounce “Shibboleth”, we may know the Jordan River citizens gave a test to them, if they can not pronounce “Shibboleth” correctly, they was killed by Jordan River citizen, from the history we can see that situation is like violence, when something have to measure by giving a test to produce a perfectness result,  when you fail to do that, you can not pass the test, and it becomes a high risk.

We can summarize that High-Stakes Test can not completely apply for assessing students, nowadays, an assessment is not solely using a test, test is not everything, student can not be assessed by only giving a test and taking a result or score what they have done from the test. We have additional assessment to measure, it could be, student characteristic in daily classroom, their assignment, or their activity in teaching learning process.

Approach Used to Develop Standard
Developed by : American Federation of Teachers
National Council on Measurement in Education 
National Education Association 
An approach is really necessary. Even, we are teaching must use an approach to know how the method, technique, and principal to teach student. It also needs in assessing, we need an approach to assess student, and we hope that approach could result positive effect in assessing students.
We require an approach to reach standard in assessing student, include what teacher needs in measuring a student, for example, teacher not only using a test to measure student, but they have additional indicators to measure a student. Approach is needed in assessing students, however teacher can judge students professionally, they need approach to treat students the same and justice without any discrimination, because they have approach to reach standard in assessing.
Thus, I hope education government could determine and formulate the best approach for assessing. It is crucial thing to do how to assess a student, it can lead teacher how to measure, it could be measuring how to give students’ score, students’ competencies, or  students’ work and can formulate a standard procedure effectively .


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