Observing My Friend ( Teacher/Student Interaction & Personal Characteristic

If you have not read the 2 previous posts, please read it before starting reading this post, thank you...

3. Teacher/Student Interaction
After the teacher explain about the material, the teacher gave the task, and each group was given a “Narrative Text”, and the teacher asked students to discuss and find out the Past Participle (Verb 2) ( it is based on “Simple Past” lesson). During the discussion, some students gave responses and asked a lot of questions actively, they felt free to ask. The teacher moved around the class and made eye contact with the students. The teacher anticipated it very well.  The students were comfortable and relaxed, even during intense intellectual activity, sometimes some students spoke, complained and scream loudly, but the teacher relaxed, and patient to overcome it. The students were treated fairly and with the respect. After 10 minutes, the students must submit the paper to the teacher and the teacher answer the question together with the students

Second activity is Playing Game. When the teacher told it to the students, the students screamed loudly, they were happy. They are very enthusiasm with it. It was “Ladder V2 Game”, the game is about past tense, the teacher asked each of group to come forward and write on the whiteboard. The students must be able to write a Verb 2 then their other friends might be able to continue the Verb base one the last letter that the Verb their friends have written. For example “Aske(d)”, Dre(w), Walked, etc. They were really anticipating on that game. Just a view of students did not really enthusiasm.

Thus, teacher and students interaction was well. The students has good manner, they did not talk while the teacher teach them. Although they were not understanding comprehensively, at least they are quite and respect to the teacher.
P4. Personal Characteristic
The teacher was quite patient to overcome students. The teacher never got angry while teaching learning process. It is very well because, patient is a virtue. The most important quality that a teacher should have is patience. A great teacher is very patient with their students and their parents to deal with the same questions and problems over and over again.

The voice of teacher was clarity and audibility. The students can listen it very well. Voice is one factor which is contributing in teaching learning process. With the vocal tone the teacher can deliver a lesson well.  Vocal tone is something that can be adjusted to a teacher’s advantage. When wanting to convey a warmer tone, smile as you speak. For delivering expectations, a more formal tone should be used. Think of your formal tone as your “professional” tone.  (Laura, 2012).  The intonation, fluency of the teacher are good enough. Although there were a wrong pronunciation in some vocabularies, but that were acceptable.

Overall, the teacher did a good job in teaching learning process. Some aims of study is fulfilled by the teacher. Students also have big desire to study English, they just still confused about the vocabulary, that makes they did not catch what the teachers taught.  But it not a big deal, as long as they have big passion to study English. 

these are the end aspects of how to observe someone's teaching, if you want to take it as your reference, please take but will full credit, because this post and the last 2 previous post are mine, I made it by myself, thank you ☺


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Observing My Friend (Presentation Aspect)

1st Daily Activity