English Language Teaching Prospect in Indonesia

No doubt that English is a language that can bring everyone anywhere. With English capability someone is believed can go anywhere because English is world language. English is an enjoy language which becomes prestigious place as a global language (Khaled, 2014). Therefore, having English capability is a crucial role that can influence people nowadays, remembering English as an International language that the people must be understood about it. Motivation to learn English is increasing. In fact, learning English has been interesting to many students (Khaled, 2014). Learning English makes people having well English proficiency. In the other hand, students have opportunities to get a job and go abroad if they have well English capability. English is useful for maintaining life to survive in this global area because nowadays, every science and technology issues use English to deliver the information system. Based on Graham, English is not a subject that is taught in school as a subject, but it can give the other advantage such as, researching books and internet (1987, as cited in Karunaratne, p.251, 2014).  Hence, English is a language which becomes a dominant role if we compare to other language.  Thus, English capability has become a vital thing for students who want to fight education scholarship abroad or to have opportunities to get a valuable job internationally. Many international companies pay the best salaries for those who can speak bilingually including English. English helps everyone find a better paid job (Cortazzi & Jin, 1996, as cited in Karunaratne, p.252, 2014). The current job is highly competitive for the workers who are having well English proficiency. Thus, no wonder if English is the prominent language which is useful for finding job.

Teaching English as a Career

Teaching is a situation that shows how the teachers transfer their knowledge to the learners. Nowadays teaching is one of the favorable job. Many people have a job as a teacher. According to Balyer & Ozcan (2014), they said that teaching profession is the most favorite one which becomes a crucial as career.  In addition, English teacher also including as favorite job. English is the language that must be taught by teacher to students. To remember, English is important to learn because English is world language. As Graddol (2006) said that English is global language which influences worldwide identity. Supported by Gill (2016), highlight that,
“English teachers are vital to the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) because they help expand interest in these subjects across the nation’s schools. Furthermore, the development of proper verbal and written communication skills are crucial to STEM learning. Because English grammar, sentence structure and expository writing are rule-oriented, people who are methodical and patient are often well-suited to teach English”.
Therefore, for those explanations above, it makes English teacher becomes a good career for future job.


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