English Language Teaching Challenge in Indonesia : Globalization Effect

English has become the international language which has been used in all countries. English is world language. The significant role of English is increased by the expanding circle of the English users in some countries where English is used as a foreign language such as China, Thailand, and Indonesia (Kachru, 2009, as cited in Suryanto, p.75, 2014). Meanwhile, there are some countries use English as a second language, such as Malaysia, India and Singapore. Therefore, English becomes an important thing that should be known and taught to the students. Of course this is something that becomes challenge for teachers, as Khan (2011) argues that teaching English as a second or foreign always a challenging task.  Considering the age of globalization are increasingly global, which makes the English language should be taught to children in Indonesia, the aim is to make them not to be obsolete to face the situation ahead that is full of challenges and to face the modernization which is getting stronger.  The paragraph below will explain the challenge in English Teaching which is influenced by Globalization Effect.

Globalization Effect
Globalization is one of the reasons why Indonesian must learn English. English is distinguished from the other languages by having very significant numbers of non-native speaker, as Block and Cameron (2002) said that globalization has influenced language. The English language has been widespread use around the world. Green (2010) said that, the increasingly worldwide use of English raises a number of pedagogical issues that have to do with the understanding of the English language itself. Therefore, English is going to be the one most affected by globalization. That statement supported by Abu Bakar (2014), he argues that English language assumes the spot of global most used and influence language. In the other hand, Globalization is the factor which can make English having more contributions as an International language. As Warschauer (2000), argues that globalization will result in the further spread of English as an International language and a shift of authority to nonnative speakers and dialect. Not only that, English teaching also influenced by globalization against social economy. The industrial societies of the past are giving way to a new postindustrial economic order based one globalized manufacturing and distribution (Carnoy, Castel, Cohen, & Cardoso, 1993, as cited in Warschauer, p.511, 2000). Thus, relationship between globalization and English itself cannot be separated. Not surprisingly that globalization and the status of English as world language are affecting the English language teaching. Green (2010) said that, many countries adapting national education policies to improve the teaching of English through lots of teaching methodologies from abroad. Those methods are solely to increase students’ understanding about English and develop English students’ capability. Hence, Teaching English in this globalization era is a challenge that teacher must be face in this globalization.


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