Observing My Friend (Preparation Aspect)
Assalamu'alaikum everyone, today I would like to give you the example how to observe someone's teaching in the classroom. In this case I would to observe how my friend teaching English in one SMP in Aceh Besar.
you want to see the example how?
okay check it out!
1. Preparation
The teacher come to the class with salam and
pray before going to study. Then the teacher called the students to check the
attendant list, also to know students’ names one by one. Everything was going
well in this introduction. After that the teacher begun to teach, the lesson
was about “Narrative Text”, it was based on the syllabus. The teacher prepared
the “Narrative Text” lesson not very well, because the teacher more focus about
Past Tense, she did not teach about “Narrative Text” comprehensively on that
whole time. Thus, the material which was taught by the teacher was not match
with the syllabus. The teacher should synchronize between the lesson that she
wanted to teach and the syllabus, because this is one of the strategist way for
creating effective teaching learning process.
Before starting a new lesson the teacher did
not review the previous lesson that the students have studied before. The
teacher just start teaching a new material. She even did not ask the students
what the previous lesson that they have learnt. Whereas, reviewing the previous
lesson is important to do. By reviewing previous
lesson, it can refreshes students’ memories and reminding them about content
and topics from the previous session (Weimer, 2015).
The prepared goals/objectives were not
apparent. The teacher did not tell why they have to learn about that lesson,
and why “Narrative Text” is important to learn. Meanwhile Setting study goals and objectives helps students
organize their time and focus on their study, helping them learn and understand
key topics and how they contribute to the bigger picture. To sum up the
preparation was not really well.
The first aspect that we have to consider to observe is how the presentation of the teacher itself. the next aspect will be uploaded in the next post. Btw.. Have you already known about it? if you have not, you can take mine as your reference, but don't forget to take it with full credit, thanks ☺.
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