How To Reduce Stress?
We are really sure every person
in this world has their own problem, because problem always comes to our daily
life. But sometimes people cannot solve that problem, finally they get stress.
So in this text, let’s we talk about “How To Reduce Stress”.
Stress is a condition of human
being when he or she faces the problem, they get complicated, and he or she cannot
solve the problem, then that person is under pressure. According to Hans Selye “Stress
is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand of change”. So we can conclude that stress is the
situational of human being when human feels pressure and indicates the impact
of body, mind, and their emotional.
Let’s talk how we have to reduce
the stress, because stress is really dangerous for our body, mind, and
emotional. If you are too stress , your body will be sick, you can get
headache, fatigue and another sickness. The impact stress to your mind are, you
can get worrying, nightmare, and another horrible situation. The impact of stress
to your emotion, you can lose your confidence, and depression.
We absolutely cannot avoid the
stress, because the stress always comes to our life, as long as we have a
problem. Surely we cannot avoid that, but we can reduce that, how?
The first, by laughing, as we
know laughing is the best medicine for us to face the problem, because sometimes
laughing without reason is useful to your body, it can heal your soul. The
second, by sharing your problem to each other, you can tell your problem to
your parents, your friends, and your bestie, because just tell the problem, at
least it helps you to reduce the depression. The third, by praying (dzikir,
shalat), this way is the important one, because as we know without Allah we are
nothing, Allah is the best place to ask and hoping.
So as long as we still alive, we
have to always thanksfull to Allah, in every single condition that He have given
to us is lesson, so do not desperate to the situational that can bring you to
the stress, because every single problem has conclusion. Be happy! and Keep Smiling J
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