English Language Teaching Problem in Indonesia : Curriculum Problem

In education, curriculum is defined as a totality that students do in educational process. According to Kelly (1999), curriculum is negatively viewed as a “syllabus which may limit the planning of teachers to a consideration of the content or the body of knowledge they wish to transmit or a list of the subjects to be taught or both”. Curriculum refers specifically to a planned sequence of instruction. Therefore, many countries have national curriculum in primary and secondary education. Every course has their own curriculum, including English subject. In Indonesia English teaching has been based on the curriculum designed by the central government throughout provision of curriculum policies (Sahiruddin, 2013). For ELT, Indonesia creates many curriculums which change during past fifty years. The English curriculum as a part of school based-curriculum (SBC), which is endorsed by the Department of National Education of the Republic Indonesia (Mattarima & Hamdan, 2011). However, the curriculum itself doesn’t work as well as the plan for each year. Such as the former curriculum like KTSP, this curriculum had several problem occurred ; too many subject being taught, not based on competency, standard assessment was not effective (Diknas, 2012). Thus, responding to those problems, Indonesian government reformulate it back and design new curriculum, into 2013 curriculum. In context of ELT (English Language Teaching) the time for English Subject at school is reduced (Sahiruddin, 2013). That factor surely appears the problem for English language teaching learning process in Indonesia. 


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