
Review Film (Spoiler Alert)

Hai, Assalamu'alaikum. sudah lebih 6 tahun lama nya aku gak nge post sesuatu disini. mungkin kalo blog ini rumah pasti udah jadi rumah hantu, cocok dijadikan tempat soting pengabdi mantan eeeh setan dan kalo bayi pasti dia udah masuk TK atau kelas 1 SD. Yaudah tanpa cas cis cus lagi aku mau kenalin segmen baru, cailaaahhh hahahaha. Berhubung aku sukak kali nonton pelem, jadi aku mau review pelem beserta rating pribadi menurut kriteria penilaian ku sendiri, jadi mungkin ada banyak spoiler disini. Bagi yang suka spoiler sebelum nonton pelem boleh dibaca, kalo yang gak mau, ya jangan dibaca ya.  Kira kira apa aja pelem yang aku review? pasti nya pelem pelem yang menurut aku seru, menegangkan, menakutkan dan lucu. yep. Bisa dibilang aku penikmat pelem dengan genre, horror, thriller, mistis, dan comedy. so aku akan mereview beberapa film yang bergenre seperti diatas.  Ini baru mukaddimah dulu ygy, nanti aku akan review di postingan yang baru  Bang Edward banyak duit, dikasih k...


Asslamua'alaikum.. I would like to post the TED note taking, and I think this is the hardest one, so I'm so sorry if I sum up what she said ambiguously.  Jamilia Lyiscott is the woman who is articulated, he can master 3 languages (type of styles in stalking). She is able to adapt her English language in every situation. She  uses different style in speaking with the others,  with her family environment, with her schoolmates, her lecturer, even when she tries to apply job vacancy. she told about her experience being articulated person. There are many people dislike her accents/style in speaking. She told all about her style in speaking is lingusitics beautification. 


Shaolon Hsueh is the woman who grew up in Taiwan as calligrapher’s daughter. Since she was young, she was introduced Chinese letter by her parents. And now, she wanted introduce the Chinese creature to us as well. She learnt Chinese character about 15 years. In TED stage, she told us fast method how to learn Chinese language. Since the age of 5 she learned how to draw every shape of Chinese language correctly. She taught us the simple one how to recognize Chinese language, for example, there is a shape of Chinese language, it like a tree, it is symbolized as a person. She taught a lot of symbols that can be interpreted as Chinese language which is called as eight characters radical. They are building blocks for you to create lots more characters. She also explained about 32 Chinese character letters in China.

Observing My Friend ( Teacher/Student Interaction & Personal Characteristic

If you have not read the 2 previous posts, please read it before starting reading this post, thank you... 3. Teacher/Student Interaction After the teacher explain about the material, the teacher gave the task, and each group was given a “Narrative Text”, and the teacher asked students to discuss and find out the Past Participle (Verb 2) ( it is based on “Simple Past” lesson). During the discussion, some students gave responses and asked a lot of questions actively, they felt free to ask. The teacher moved around the class and made eye contact with the students. The teacher anticipated it very well.   The students were comfortable and relaxed, even during intense intellectual activity, sometimes some students spoke, complained and scream loudly, but the teacher relaxed, and patient to overcome it. The students were treated fairly and with the respect. After 10 minutes, the students must submit the paper to the teacher and the teacher answer the question together with the stude...

Observing My Friend (Presentation Aspect)

Hello, Assalamu'alaikum, I will continue the post that I've posted before, what is the next one? check it out  2. Presentation T he material was explained briefly, the students understand what the teacher told about, even though some students not really understand. The lesson was smooth, sequenced and logical. The teacher firstly introduced “Simple Past”, what is Simple Past, when students use Simple Past and the teacher delivered Simple Past formula, then the teacher start introducing generic structure of Narrative Text which is contained by a Simple Past in it, actually the lesson was not well paced because it was not matching with the syllabus. Material was not presented at the students’ level comprehension, because the teacher used GTM (Grammar Translation Method), not Differentiated Instruction Method, so the teacher only explained the material and the students just listen about it. This method was used, because the students do not have ability to speak Engl...

Observing My Friend (Preparation Aspect)

Assalamu'alaikum everyone, today I would like to give you the example how to observe someone's teaching in the classroom. In this case I would to observe how my friend teaching English in one SMP in Aceh Besar.  you want to see the example how? okay check it out! 1.  Preparation The teacher come to the class with salam and pray before going to study. Then the teacher called the students to check the attendant list, also to know students’ names one by one. Everything was going well in this introduction. After that the teacher begun to teach, the lesson was about “Narrative Text”, it was based on the syllabus. The teacher prepared the “Narrative Text” lesson not very well, because the teacher more focus about Past Tense, she did not teach about “Narrative Text” comprehensively on that whole time. Thus, the material which was taught by the teacher was not match with the syllabus. The teacher should synchronize between the lesson that she wanted to teach and the sylla...

The Advantages doing more Dzikir in Ramadhan Month

Assalamu'alaikum, waduup waddup waddup everyone ☺. This is my first post in this Holy Ramadhan. Rn.. I want to give something that you can do in this holy month. what is that? oke let's talk about it.. here we go Who does not know about Ramadhan month, every person knows about what Ramadhan month is, even they are muslim/muslimah ummah or non-muslim. Ramadhan month is the month that muslim or musimah ummah waiting for. On this month, we as a muslim/muslimah ummah can get more rewards from Allah SWT, so how are the ways to do those?, all we have to do is worshipping to Allah more and more, we called it do more Ibadah, including Shalat Sunnah, Shadaqah (charity), reciting Al-Qur’an, but have you ever known, there is one of the easiest way to get more rewards on Ramadhan month, that is called Dzikir. Dzikir is from Arabic language “ dzakara, yadzkuru, dzikran ” it means “ remember ” surely remember to Allah SWT, to get close to Him with reciting Thayyibah Kalimah like ...